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***Suggestive skills that players need to demonstrate before moving onto the next group / division***

Travel Players - Make sure players understand your formations and every player’s responsibilities (defensive and offensive).  ALL players have offensive jobs and defensive jobs.  Each player should have a strength position but also know how to play all positions around them in your formation.  Always check for your understanding by asking  guided questions.


US Soccer recommends players in this age group play 4v4

Pre-K / K

  1. FUN, FUN, FUN
  2. Skills and games surround basic dribbling, shooting and passing (trap/pass to a partner)
  3. FUN, FUN, FUN

Grade 1  & 2

  1. Continue repetition from ALL above (dribble with/without cones, shooting, passing trap/pass to partner and start 1v1 defending)
  2. Introduce basic positions like attackers & defenders only with a basic formation (lanes and lines)
  3. Introduce throw-ins
  4. Coaches should start focusing/organizing practice sessions around PLAY-PRACTICE-PLAY
  5. Introduce spreading the field on attacks/possession (not bunching up) and looking for 1v1 defending


Grade 3 / 4

US Soccer recommends  this age group play  7v7

  1. Continue repetition from ALL above (dribble with/without cones, shooting and passing-trap/pass to partner), now with strong and weak foot. Maybe this is done during your PRACTICE session as player developmental skill (s), 1x per week as a suggestion
  2. Explain positioning, formation and player responsibility surrounding these items for this age level (7v7) – Explain offsides, and other general rules before first game and thought the season
  3. ONLY PLAY-PRACTICE-PLAY should be used in all sessions 3 / 4 with your 60-minute session
  4. Introduce some fitness (suggest sprint type ladder drills, 5 minutes) in the later part of your first “PLAY” section, right after a small-sided game / rondo / possession type game for 15 minutes
  5. Start finding some athletic players to rotate in/out of the GK role each game and teach field players that the ball needs to move in/out and out/in on your attacks.
  6. GK introduce “building from the back” vs goal kicks / punts and playing from the back to support your back defensive line
  7. Run thru corner kicks, free kicks - how to attack them and defend them in a 7v7 – And 1v1 defending (technique and positioning)/cutting down angles if you get beat
Grade 5 /6

US Soccer recommends  this age group play  9v9

  1. Continue repetition from ALL above, (dribble, shooting and passing trap/pass to partner), now with strong and weak foot within a passing line drill or triangle/diamond passing shape drill. Maybe this is done during your PRACTICE session as player developmental skill (s), 1x per week as a suggestion
  2. Explain positioning, formation and player responsibility surrounding these items for this age level (9v9) - playing possession soccer - understanding 1v1/team defending, (technique and positioning)/cutting down angles if you get beat
  3. ONLY PLAY-PRACTICE-PLAY should be used in all sessions for 5/6 in your 60-minute session
  4. Introduce some fitness (suggest sprint type ladder drills, 5 minutes) in the later part of your first “PLAY” section, right after a small-sided game / rondo / possession type game for 15 minutes .
  5. Players should be able to control and/or dribble and/or shoot a ball off a bounce in a game like situation before graduating at this grade level with both feet.
  6. GK Continue with building/playing from the back (see above) – discuss “wall” building
  7. Run thru corner kicks, free kicks - how to attack them and defend them in a 9v9

Grade 7 / 8

US Soccer recommends  this age group play  11v11

  1. Continue repetition from ALL above, (dribble, shooting and passing trap/pass to partner), strong and weak foot within a passing line drill or triangle/diamond passing shape drill. Maybe this is done during your PRACTICE session as player developmental skill (s) too. Start FOCUS on 2-touch soccer with both feet!
  2. Explain positioning, formation and player responsibility surrounding these items for this age level (11v11) - playing possession soccer - understanding 1v1/team defending and to accomplish this that communication and player’s positioning is vital here
  3. ONLY PLAY-PRACTICE-PLAY should be used in all sessions for 7/8 with your 60-minute session
  4. First “PLAY” section should be 10 minutes of a small-sided game / rondo / possession type game. Then 5 minutes of fitness (suggest spring type ladder drills) and finish up 5 minutes of stretching.
  5. Practice heading the ball
  6. Name 1-2 GKs for your team - continue with building/playing from the back (see above) and when to build walls
  7. Decision making and reading the game at all positions – Players should have position of strength but knowledge of the other position surrounding them
High School Players – Coming soon . . .


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